May: Ideas to Remember

In May, I didn’t have a focus. Instead, I encountered many different ideas. Here are some I’d like to remember and return to:

  1. “you begin imperceptibly relaxing your own spiritual narrowness and start to notice yourself doing the unthinkable. You start loving others beyond the usual perimeter of your affection.” (may 2)
  2. the poet, Jorie Graham (may 3, may 4)
  3. using the painful minutes I’m waiting for a girl to go to school as a time to write (may 6)
  4. a new regular: Mr. Holiday (may 10)
  5. Robin Wall Kimmerer (may 15)
  6. attention is magic (may 16)
  7. ME! (may 17)
  8. “you should never write a poem till you can feel it in your bones.” — Alice Oswald (may 19)
  9. soft attention, noticing, the periphery (may 20)
  10. Someone is Writing a Poem/ Adrienne Rich (may 23)
  11. fun with acronyms: I.T. could mean something (may 24)
  12. the importance of love and joy: Chen Chen, Teju Cole, Haniq Abdurrabqib (may 29)
  13. harryette Mullen and Urban Tumbleweed (may 31)