On This Day: April 27, 2017

april 27, 2017 / 4 miles / 34 degrees

On April 27, 2017, I was in the middle of my first poetry class and wondering about the differences between how we think when we walk versus how we think when we run. I came across an excellent post by Edward Hirsch, and wrote about it. Here’s one of my favorite lines from the piece. For years now, I’ve wanted to make “my inner and outer weather” the title of a poem or a collection.

Wandering, reading, writing–these three adventures are for me intimately linked. They are all ways of observing both the inner and outer weather, of being carried away, of getting lost and returning.

At the end of the entry, I pose a question that continues to inspire some of my wondering and writing:

Is it possible to capture the rhythms and feelings of a run in words? How?

So far, much of my writing has been about cadence and breathing rhythms and converting those into syllables: couplets of 3 then 2. I want to keep pushing at this question and the forms/rhythms I can create out of my runs.