On This Day: February 27, 2020

3.2 miles
trestle turn around
26 degrees
100% clear!

Just weeks before the pandemic hit here in Minnesota, I posted this entry which has a paragraph I’d like to remember about You:

Before I ran, I had a great morning. Started by listening to part of an episode with Victoria Change on Commonplace. At one point, they discuss their shifts in writing in first and third person which got me thinking about my own choice, in my latest project, to write in second person. Why am I using you? Who is you? Found some very interesting essays on second person online: Stuck on You: an ode the second person and the intimacy of writing in the second person in a bar. Then I started thinking about how Mary Oliver uses you, like in Wild Geese (You do not have to be good/you do not have to walk on your knees…). Finally I thought about who the I and the You are in my project. One answer: I = Teacher self and You = Student Self.

I also want to remember and do something with Eye Contact/ Craig Morgan Teicher, especially the lines:

But what’s so great about eye contact? 

But is there anything we value so highly 
as streetlights, which, unlike bees,

watch over us with their swan-like
necks and open their eyes at the right time 
every night?