Poems Memorized in 2020

Last month, as COVID-19 hit, I decided to recite a poem to make myself feel better. So far, I’ve memorized 4 poems. Sometimes I recite them when I’m trying to fall asleep or when I’m washing my hands. I especially like to recite them while I’m running near the gorge. I like to listen for how I can sync up their rhythms with my striking feet. It’s a great way to spend some time with a poem and to pass the time when the running gets harder.

I am tagging my log entries in which I discuss the process of reciting the poems with the tag: reciting while running

  1. Auto-lullaby/ Franz Wright
  2. Tell all the truth but tell it slant/ Emily Dickinson
  3. And Swept All Visible Signs Away/ Carl Phillips
  5. It’s all I have to bring today/ Emily Dickinson
  6. Dear One Absent This Long While/ Lisa Olstein 
  7. Ode to My Right Knee/ Rita Dove
  8. The Trees/ Phillip Larkin
  9. Instructions on Not Giving Up/ Ada Limón
  10. What Would Root/ Katie Farris
  11. Threshold/ Maggie Smith
  12. Voiceover/ Rita Dove
  13. I dwell in Possibility – (466)/ EMILY DICKINSON
  14. I Remember/ Anne Sexton
  15. Doors/ Carl Sandburg
  16. Praying/ Mary Oliver
  17. Invitation/ Mary Oliver
  18. Crows/ Marilyn Nelson
  19. Wild Geese/ Mary Oliver
  20. Turkey Vultures/ Ted Kooser
  21. Perhaps You Tire of Birds/ Donika Kelly
  22. Before I got my eye put out/ Emily Dickinson
  23. Memorizing “The Sun Rising” by John Donne/ BILLY COLLINS
  24. The Meadow/ Marie Howe
  25. The Gate/ Marie Howe
  26. Natural Forces/ Vicente Huidobro
  27. I Look Up from My Book and Out at the World through Reading Glasses/ Diane Seuss
  28. Halos/ Ed Bok Lee
  29. Push the Button, Hear the Sound/ Helen Mort
  30. Babel/ Kimberly Johnson
  31. Writing a Poem/ Shirley Geok-lim Lin