To Study Poets

About a year into my RUN! log and my rediscovery of poetry, my sister asked me who my favorite poets were. I struggled to answer. So I made it a mission to start figuring it out, to find the poets I love most. With all my missions/goals, it didn’t start at that moment, like an epiphany — From this day forward, I will find my poetry people! — but more like a vague idea in my head, simmering on the back burner of my brain. Slowly, I started reading more poetry. And occasionally I embarked on a closer study of a poet, or one of their works. As part of the study, I created a tag with the author’s name.

Poets I’ve Tagged

Some other poets that should have tags, but don’t yet, are: Rita Dove, Arthur Sze, Jane Hirshfield, Carl Phillips, Ada Limón, Jorie Graham, Arcelis Girmay, Bernadette Mayer, Maxine Kumin, Heather Christle, Paige Lewis, and Richard Siken.