july 3/COVID DAY 5

technically it should be day 4 because the first day of symptoms is day 0, but it makes me more hopeful to imagine today as day 5.

Woke up feeling closer to almost not sick. No fever, only a little congestion, not too achy. As I write this, it’s 5:00 pm and I’ve spent much of the day outside in my red chair under the shade of the crab apple tree. It’s been 92 degrees all day. So hot! Still better than being cooped up inside. I finished listening to The Covenant of Water — loved it — and am continuing my reading of Christina Sharpe’s Ordinary Notes — wow!

An interesting twist: Scott does not have COVID — he’s taken 3 or 4 tests in the past few days — but he’s sick. Had the chills last night, a headache, was stuffed up. What? Very strange and unfortunate. If he had COVID we could quarantine together.

I decided to take another COVID test today, hoping that somehow it might have already passed totally through my system. Nope. Still got it.

This morning after finishing my coffee, I re-memorized Ed Bok Lee’s “Halos.” Such a great poem about vision loss!

Tonight, we set up a tv outside in the backyard and watched stage 3 of the tour together while we ate dinner. Our first dinner together since Thursday night.

current mood: it’s only day five!?; grateful that it didn’t settle in my chest; more restlessness — I told Scott that this might be the longest I’ve gone without a substantial walk/exercise in a decade.